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Real Quartz Coating


Pomponazzi is the world’s only quartz coating to protect your car’s paint, glass and undercarriage.



It protects your car by creating a “Mineral Hard” Quartz Coating on the surface to which it’s applied – giving it a level of protection that is beyond durable.



Pomponazzi USA is conveniently located in North Dallas just minutes from all airports.


Mirror Shine and ultimate protection

Real Quartz Coating

Quartz is a mineral that is known for being extremely hard and scratch resistant. Quartz is also known for its ability to refract light, leaving it with a glow and an abundance of color. The Quartz Coating bonds to the surfaces to which it is applied, giving it an extremely durable coating, offering a level of protection that is a minimum of 5x greater than competitors, and creating a brilliant finish as smooth as glass.

Real Quartz Coating

Quartz is a mineral that is known for being extremely hard and scratch resistant. Also, quartz is known for its ability to refract light, leaving it with a glow and an abundance of color. The Quartz Coating bonds to the surfaces that it is applied to, giving it an extremely durable coating, offering a minimum of 5x’s the level of protection of competitors, and creating a brilliant finish as smooth as glass.