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Home & Life Products

Pomponazzi Living Coat Product

Living Coat

Add layers of protection while revitalizing almost any surface in your home with Living Coat.

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Pomponazzi Leather Coat

Leather Coat

Preserve your leather materials for the years to come with Leather Coat’s patented technology that builds and restores barriers.

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To place an order for Pomponazzi Living Coat or for Pomponazzi Leather Coat, or to become a product reseller, please call us at:


(469) 458-3662

Winner of the Korea Brand Leader Awards

Being awarded the 2021 Korea Brand Leader Award is one of the highest accolades we’re honored to receive. We must take the time to acknowledge the amazing team supporting Pomponazzi and the endless support of our global customer base who’ve played an integral role in our brand’s success!

The Pomponazzi Way

This award is our reminder to always carry a benevolent spirit as we continue to support our customers with humility and hospitality. Charging forward we strive to constantly evolve Pomponazzi’s 15 years of experience to better develop products that are less harmful to people and the environment.